Ready to sleep later in the morning?

Learn the skills, strategies and tools you need to help your child sleep later in the morning

(and all without leaving your child to cry it out)

Have you heard the myth?

If your child is an early bird, there's

nothing you can do about it...

People will tell you that you need to get up with your child and try and enjoy the extra awake time.

But let me ask you this...

"Would you like to sleep an hour later each morning?"


Then get ready because you can get 7 extra hours of sleep a week. That's an extra night's sleep each week with The Early Wake-Up Cure.

Just Imagine...

Getting 7 extra hours of a sleep a week.

Not feeling guilty when you stay up a little too late getting some alone time.

Being able to get up before everyone else and grabbing a coffee, alone.


I developed The Early wake-Up Cure as many families I work with struggle with early morning wake-ups. They've tried many different things to help their child sleep a little later, but nothing seemed to work.

They weren't trying the right thing for their child.

Did you know early morning wake-ups are one of the hardest things to change?

You already know if you've been trying to help your child sleep later.

The reason it's so hard is; 

No one fix works for every child. You need to know why your

 child wakes so early (it's 1 of 9 reasons) and work on that. You also need to consider what's normal, your child's unique sleep personality and their age.

The Early Wake-Up Cure℠   has everything you will ever need to help your child stop waking at the crack of dawn!

  • Guide helping you understand how much sleep your child needs

  • Quiz to identify why your child wakes so early

  • Personalized plan for your family, including-

  • Cures teaching you all the steps you need to take to help your child sleep later

  • Downloads

  • Time-saving tips

  • Support

"We have met sleep goals that I was never really sure we would meet. We are so thankful to now have a well rested toddler and a good night of sleep for ourselves!"

- Amanda

"We could not have gotten here without Rebecca’s help and would highly recommend her to anyone struggling with their child’s sleep issues!”

- Mum to Jasper

Here's how The Early Wake-Up Cure is delivered

Take the quiz to identify why your child wakes early

When we know why your child wakes early, we can address the exact reason.

Receive your personalized plan

with the cure's that you need to work on to help your child sleep later.

Work through the cures from your plan

Watch the videos and learn how to implement the easy-to-follow steps to help your child sleep later.

Join now and get access to these bonus masterclasses

Frequently Asked Questions

How is The Early Wake-Up Cure℠ different?

The Early Wake-Up Cure℠ gives you everything you need to identify why your child is waking early and how to work with them to help them sleep later in the morning. You have access to videos, downloads, cheat sheets and quizzes, all of which are designed for you to quickly and easily work with your child and take out the guesswork.

Who is The Early Wake-Up Cure℠ meant for?

Anyone who cares for a child under 4 years old who wakes a little too early for their liking.

What exactly is inside The Early Wake-Up Cure℠?

We have a quiz to get you started and identify why your child wakes too early. I've created different cures for each reason for the early wake-ups. Only work on what you need to! No fluff, just easy-to-digest advice and support.

Does The Early Wake-Up Cure℠ teach me everything I need to help my child sleep later in the morning?

Yes, everything is broken up into easy-to-implement cures. You'll only work on the things you need to work on.

Is the content available immediately?

Yes! All of the content is inside the member area, ready to go! You'll have instant access as soon as you complete your purchase.

I've already bought other books and courses, how is this different?

In The Early Wake-Up Cure,℠ we only work on those early wake-ups. You don't need to work through things that won't help your child sleep later in the morning.

Will I need to leave my child to cry it out?

No, not at all. We're not doing any sleep training at all. And even if we were, I would NEVER advise you to leave your child to cry it out.

Can The Early Wake-Up Cure℠ help me get my child to sleep until 9 am?

Probably not. Our natural rhythm normally wakes us up at around 7 am.

I'm a busy parent, how much time will this take?

I get it! Who has time to spend hours and hours watching videos and reading through workbooks? I made this course as easy to digest as possible. The videos are short and to the point. Each video has subtitles so you can watch whilst your child is napping! The way the course is designed means you're only going to work on the things you need to work on, saving you time, effort and energy.

If you're not satisfied with The Early Wake-Up Cure,℠ we will offer you a full refund.

As it takes at least two weeks when working on those early mornings for you to begin to see results, a refund is not offered in the first two weeks after purchase.

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